Intuitive Office
As easy as 1, 2, 3Modeled after Data General's CEO, Intuitive Office is an integrated office automation product for open systems. There are three basic components of Intuitive Office:
Open systems dilemmaOpen systems provide the level of performance, lowered maintenance costs, and cross-platform connectivity companies need to compete in today's business environment. But the wide range of UNIX tools available to reach maximum performance can require skills beyond the average user.Intuitive Office is the solution to this accessibility problem. IO has the ability to integrate third-party software products, creating one complete solution for your company. IO-Connection IntegrationTo make your office even more compatible, Windows and DOS PCs can be integrated with Intuitive Office using Intuitive Office-Connection. IO-Connection uses terminal emulators to provide features not otherwise available on standard character-based terminals. With IO-Connection, you can create/edit documents with PC applications, and store the documents in the Intuitive Office filling system. This allows you to:
The obvious choiceIntuitive Office stores documents the same way you would in a traditional paper office filing system: cabinet, drawer, folder, document...and wastebasket!Intuitive Office's menu system is easy to user and includes:
RecoverablilityIntuitive Office is built on the Transaction-Based-Access-Method (TBAM) data manager. One of TBAM's greatest strengths is its recoverability. If your system crashes, your Intuitive Office data is safe: the TBAM data manager can automatically recover the database if it becomes corrupt.Search and defineIntuitive Office stores documents the same way you would in a traditional office. Users don't have to work with UNIX pathnames and their limitations, case sensitivity issues, and inflexibility of file permissions. Intuitive Office document management features include:
Don't forgetIntuitive Office allows you to set reminders which will notify you of upcoming events. You can set reminders at various time intervals (daily, weekly, monthly).Flexible mailingIntuitive Office's inbox is where all mail messages are stored. From the inbox, you can view, print, delete, or file messages. The wastebasket holds messages for a designated time, so they can be restored if necessary. Intuitive Office mailing capabilities include:
Point and clickWhen you add the IO-Connection component to Intuitive Office, four powerful new features are available for PC terminal emulation users. With each of these features, the user can access a Windows file menu and complete the task with the point and click method (emulator must support this function).
If you are currently using CEO, and you want to move to an open systems office automation solutions, Intuitive Office provides... lower cost and more options.Intuitive Office is virtually keystroke-for-keystroke compatible with CEO. This translates into significant savings in time and money for retraining. Intuitive Office allows you to use your existing equipment, increasing the financial gain. By moving to an open systems solution you can choose from a wider variety of software applications. You will still have an office automation package familiar to your users, but with even more features for efficiency and productivity. Intuitive Office-Connection provides additional customizations for certain terminal emulators based on the capabilities of the emulators. The customizations include toolbars, keymaps, and menu bars, all of which allow tighter PC integration with Intuitive Office.Getting you thereWe have the solution for your office automation needs as you move to an open systems environment, and we can help get you there! Using EAGLE Software's info@eaglesoft.comLast Updated: 10/03/96 webmaster |